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What does it mean to be a Director?

The Board oversees policy, directs the vision, and represents our Co-op in the cooperative world. The building and the store itself are managed completely by staff – they’re the experts! The Board has established policies and a calendar to ensure that obligations to the Co-op members and the staff are fulfilled. Individual Directors represent the collective membership and guide the cooperative to benefit our community. We also learn a lot from each other, enjoy delicious foods, tell stories, and have fun.

Board Member Expectations

  • Commit to serve a term of three years. 

  • Prepare for and attend board meetings (11 to 12 per year). Regular meetings are currently held on the fourth Tuesday of each month, 6-8 PM.

  • Participate on committees or working groups as needed.

  • Attend conferences, retreats, or professional development opportunities as needed.

  • Represent the Board at Co-op or community events four to six times per year.

Board Member Qualifications

  • You must be (or become) a current member of the Upper Valley Food Co-op.

  • You must be able to meet time and duty expectations (described above).

  • You must have regular access to a computer and email.

No previous board experience required. We will show you the ropes once you are elected.

Board Member Benefits

  • Receive a 20% discount on all store purchases.

  • Enjoy a complimentary meal from the Co-op at monthly Board meetings.

  • Receive training in cooperative business, policy governance; attend conferences.

UVFC Board Training.jpg

How Do I Join?

Directors are elected by member ballot each fall and serve a three-year term.

  1. Let the nominating committee know that you’re interested in joining the Board and we’ll set you on the right path. You can leave a note with your contact info with a staff member at the Co-op, or email:

  2. Plan to attend a Board meeting, get to know the Directors, and learn more about how the Co-op operates. Feel free to contact us for pertinent articles or explore

  3. Return your completed Board application (which can be found in the Board candidate packet before the deadline, usually early July) to be considered as a candidate in the coming election. If approved as a candidate, you can run as a nominee on the ballot in the annual election, held in the fall. Member votes are tallied at our Harvest Celebration & Annual Meeting in October. For a copy of the Board of Directors Nominee Packet, email us at


Our Board of Directors at an annual policy training session.

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